Mental First Aid - определение. Что такое Mental First Aid
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Что (кто) такое Mental First Aid - определение

First Aid/Emergencies; First Aid; First-aid; First Aid for Bleeding; First Aider; First aider; Medical attention; 1st aid; Sports first aid kit; Sports First Aid Kit; First-aider; First-aid manual; AMEGA
  • A first aid box
  • thumb
  • thumb
  • thumb
  • Shown here is an example of a way for people to practice CPR in a safe and reliable manner.
  • First aid scenario training in progress
  • In case of tongue fallen backwards, blocking the airway, it is necessary to hyperextend the head and pull up the chin, so that the tongue lifts and clears the airway.
  • A [[US Navy]] corpsman gives first aid to an injured Iraqi citizen.

First aid kit         
  • Pelican]] first aid kit.
  • Travel pharmacy (early 20th century).}}
First Aid Kit; First Aid Kit (disambiguation)
A first aid kit or medical kit is a collection of supplies and equipment used to give immediate medical treatment, primarily to treat injuries and other mild or moderate medical conditions. There is a wide variation in the contents of first aid kits based on the knowledge and experience of those putting it together, the differing first aid requirements of the area where it may be used, and variations in legislation or regulation in a given area.
first aid         
1) to administer, give first aid
2) to get first aid
first aid         
First aid is simple medical treatment given as soon as possible to a person who is injured or who suddenly becomes ill.
There are many emergencies which need prompt first aid treatment.
...a first aid kit.
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First aid

First aid is the first and immediate assistance given to any person with either a minor or serious illness or injury, with care provided to preserve life, prevent the condition from worsening, or to promote recovery until medical services arrive. First aid is generally performed by someone with basic medical training. Mental health first aid is an extension of the concept of first aid to cover mental health, while psychological first aid is used as early treatment of people who are at risk for developing PTSD. Conflict First Aid, focused on preservation and recovery of an individual's social or relationship well-being, is being piloted in Canada.

There are many situations that may require first aid, and many countries have legislation, regulation, or guidance, which specifies a minimum level of first aid provision in certain circumstances. This can include specific training or equipment to be available in the workplace (such as an automated external defibrillator), the provision of specialist first aid cover at public gatherings, or mandatory first aid training within schools. Generally , 5 steps are associated with First Aid , them being:

  1. Assess the surrounding areas.
  2. Move to a safe surrounding (if not already. example: road accidents are unsafe to be dealt with on roads.)
  3. Call for help. (Both professional medical help and people nearby who might help in first aid such as giving compression during CPR).
  4. Perform suitable first aid depending on the injury suffered by the casualty.
  5. Evaluate your casualty for any fatal signs or danger , or possibility of performing the first aid again.
Примеры произношения для Mental First Aid
1. Mental first aid.
Kind of Coping _ Maureen Wilson _ Talks at Google